As a small business owner you are probably aware of, and perhaps even use yourself, marketing and sales buzzwords. Buzzwords or industry jargon are commonly thought of as the phrases or words that will ensure the success of your advertising or promotional material. That may have once been true but no longer works on today’s savvy consumers... Thanks to the internet the average person is completely immersed in
information most of the time. Due to this consumers have learnt to see buzzwords for what they are, vague jargon designed to trick and convince them. There are hundreds of examples of buzzwords, some of which may have already made their way into promotional material for your business. Whether it is on social media or paid advertising try and push aside the tricky jargon and instead go for a more genuine approach. A great way to do this is to speak to your loyal customers directly and ask them to describe what they love about your product. This is a fantastic way to include honest, fact-based statements in your marketing. For example, instead of using condescending buzzwords such as easy-to-use and user-friendly find a way to utilise facts and customer opinions to prove your point. Look after your customer relationships and your honest reputation by avoiding buzzwords and jargon in your promotional material. For more information contact Fierce Publicity at
22/8/2015 02:26:30 pm
The educated people are the shining stars for their country. Across the border the reputation of country is due to the educated people of country. The educated people are innovator to the country’s progress in the world.
20/9/2015 08:48:14 pm
We should focus on the success of your advertising or promotional material.
29/10/2015 10:44:26 am
Here are some realistic points on which a business person should avoid Jargon and Buzzwords in business. Business persons have to keep these points for better growth of business.
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A great way to do this is to speak to your loyal customers directly and ask them to describe what they love about your product.
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